Physically Assaulted in California DMV Parking Lot

Woman Assaulted in a California DMV Parking Lot

Our client went to the DMV for the purpose of obtaining a replacement disabled parking placard. When she arrived to the DMV, there were no disabled parking spots available, therefore she parked in a parking area designated for disabled persons, although the location where the car was parked was not marked as a parking spot and was in between two parking stalls for disabled person. Our client got permission from a DMV employee to park her vehicle in between the two disabled spots. When our client walked out of the DMV, she was in there for less than 5 minutes, she noticed a DMV security guard next to her car. The DMV security guard advised our client that her vehicle will be towed. Our client attempted to speak to the officer before her vehicle got towed, but all the while, this officer continually physically assaulted, harassed, and battered our client. This officer employed by the DMV continually battered and physically assaulted our client by punching her in the face multiple times and slamming her body onto her vehicle. Our client was left severely injured and emotionally devastated at the hands of a DMV employee. Dre Law is seeking an action against the California Department of Motor Vehicles and the officer that battered our client to seek the justice that our client deserves.